
An open mind to change presents opportunity

Written by Catherine Neville | 31/07/24 15:35

It’s often tough making any kind of career transition.  Reasons for change can be varied, but even when that change is sought after there’s likely to be emotion and anxieties involved.

Two years ago when I made a huge career shift, whilst it was a nervous time, I found that being really sure about why I wanted to change provided clarity on what I was applying for, and how I wanted my working life to look and feel like, both immediately after making a change, and beyond. 

For many hiring managers, the experience a candidate brings to a role is key, but experience matters to a candidate too.  I wanted to be clear on what I would learn in my new role because that influenced what kind of business I chose to work with as well. The usual advice is to work for a large, well established company. It offers the opportunity to collaborate, travel and have impact, both locally and globally, through large initiatives, and there are many peripheral resources like in-house training and wide opportunities for mentoring.  But… I had already worked at a huge multinational business and I wanted the opportunity to have more local impact to a small business with exciting goals and incredible culture.  Apart from security, by working with a small organisation, I would gain opportunities to work with a new diverse range of people full of drive to elevate outcomes, and enjoy opportunities to have impact across a wide variety of business functions.

No two days are the same

Even so, it was quite a scary concept to leave the comfort of a business that has size to back its transformation and new ideas, to move to a scale-up that is asking all the questions and where change directly drives the bottom line.  I’d never worked for a small business before, and in contrast to working for a big corporate, people suggested that the resources, support and opportunities for growth or impact could be limited. However, as part of my early hopes for such a transition, I found the opposite to be true.  No two days are the same and there’s constant opportunity to wear a variety of hats during any given day.  Switching between different business functions as need arises has been a great way to strengthen adaptability and resilience, alongside building experience and new skills quickly.

What is true for both big and small organisations, though, is that the real difference is made through the people you work with - those who shape your daily experience and growth. They become the memories you carry about a role, team or organisation down the line. One significant opportunity that I found, in moving to Tech City, is with a flatter organisation structure, I have been involved in decisions I couldn’t have had sight of in a big corporate, and my ideas and leadership have led to business growth in many corners of the organisation.  

The other thing that small businesses know is how to Do Things Differently. I could not have imagined when I joined Tech City that I would become part of a Space Programme - wow, mind blown! Move over Virgin and SpaceX; during the last 18 months of team meetups we’ve planned, prototyped and had a lot of fun.  Now the countdown is on for the launch in what I know will be one of the most memorable meetups a career could offer.

We have one life and it’s here to be lived well.

Moving jobs, for whatever reason, is a big decision, so having an open mind to try something different and being willing to navigate the journey without preconceptions will allow unexpected doors to open. I am so happy that I’ve had the opportunity to be part of a wonderful company in Tech City, where I’ve grown personally, and where I have seen the tangible impact my work has made on their journey too. Tech City have shown me that life/work balance while making a difference really is possible. I have grown personally and continued to deliver business impact whilst juggling everything else that life has to offer. 

For those of you who are thinking about making a career move, or are job hunting right now, I’d add one piece of advice (especially to those looking for opportunities to work flexibly); there are recruiters who are actively advocating for life/work balance and recruit for organisations who get it. Platforms such as 923 jobs, the 5 hour club and Flexa are championing the art of the possible for any type of role.

Navigating a change in work is a personal journey and whilst it will present many choices and decisions, it’s exciting to think about what might come next.  Making the change from big to small has brought joy and growth to my life and I’m always excited to see what will happen next.

And for you?

You too might just find a new experience that you hadn’t anticipated, and a workplace culture in an organisation that blows you away.